
在u型, we are committed to cultivating a safe community that is diverse, 公平的, 包容, 就. 由于我们的学生和工作人员规模小, it is critical that all members feel a sense of belonging and an opportunity to thrive. 我们每天的修行都是由慈悲心引导的, 护理, 同理心, and respect for each other; everyone at Oxbow is encouraged to act from a generosity of spirit. We acknowledge that each individual is unique and that the success of the community is inextricably tied to the success of the individual. 因此, it is imperative that each voice is heard and celebrated as we recognize the strength that stems from an 包容 environment. 我们尊重由种族定义的多样性, 种族, 文化, 社会经济地位, 性别认同与表达, 性, 能力, 家庭组成, 和宗教. 通过这些异同, 真正的关系形成了, 成长和自我发现得到了培养. 是否有意识地嵌入到我们的课程中, 这是微妙社会结构的一部分, 或者参与社区伙伴关系, Oxbow students are encouraged to embody the essence of an artist – to be bold and honest, 即使面对逆境,我们也相信, as a result of actively engaging in a vibrant community at Oxbow, our students are better prepared to be change-agents in the world at large.

电子书:2023年秋季+ 2024年春季



牛轭学校 prohibits discrimination against any student or applicant because of race, color, 宗教, 性, 性别, 种族或民族出身, 性取向, 残疾, 或者其他类别. 牛轭学校 promotes respect for all people, and will not tolerate harassment.


成人与学生互动政策. Oxbow takes the 安全 and comfort of its students seriously. 作为这一承诺的一部分, Oxbow requires its employees to comply with the following policy on employee interactions with students:

In order to best serve the well-being of the School’s students, the School requires all employees and other adults in the School’s community to maintain appropriate boundaries in their relationships with students to ensure that they avoid even the perception of inappropriate conduct. In doing so, all employees are expected to adhere to the following guidelines. 请注意, this code of conduct applies to employees’ conduct toward current students as well as any recent alum.

  • Employees should not “friend” or connect with students on social media, 除了与工作相关的必要的小组工作.
  • Employees should avoid telephone calls or text conversations with individual students unless necessary for student wellness, 安全, 对于一个班级来说, 或其他学校主办的活动.
  • Emailing from an employee’s school account is always the preferred method when conversing with individual students.
  • Employees should avoid communications with others containing inappropriate information if there is likelihood the receiving party will share it with a student, 例如, sending content to a former student who is likely to share it with a current student.
  • 员工不得在社交场合与个别学生见面.
  • Employees may not have any unnecessary physical contact with a student in either a public or private situation.
  • Employees must respect a student’s rights not to be touched or looked at in ways that make them feel uncomfortable.
  • Employees must avoid sharing or inquiring about overly personal details about a student’s private relationships, or discussing the employee’s own personal troubles or intimate issues with a student.

Oxbow encourages parents or other members of the school community who have concerns about adults crossing appropriate boundaries with students to inform the Head of School or Chair of the Board of Trustees. The School will not retaliate against anyone who reports conduct that may violate this policy.

牛轭学校- 2023成人/学生互动政策

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